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Latest version


A tool to download Telegram data (users, chats, messages, and media) into a database (and display the saved data).

  • A file will be created per each process that will write data (i.e. Approximately 4-30 files). As the default size per export file is 1G, keeping large export files may drain the disk space fast. ExportType allows to specify which entity types (events, history, trends) will be exported.
  • Step #4: Specify the CSV file in the Select File to Import field. Magento allows to import files with a limited number of fields, only the required ones. If you do not need to fill in all the fields you got as a result of product export, specify only the required ones: sku, productwebsites, producttype, attributesetcode, categories, name.

The file name of the small image that is used on catalog pages, preceded by a forward slash. For example: /image.jpg: smallimagelabel: The label associated with the small image. For example: Small Image 1, Small Image 2: thumbnailimage: The file names of any thumbnail image to appear in the gallery on the product page, preceded by a forward. Set to an integer value, up to 12 (up to 2.2), 16 (2.3 and 2.4) or 32 (2.5 and later). NCCLCROSSNIC ¶ The NCCLCROSSNIC variable controls whether NCCL should allow rings/trees to use different NICs, causing inter-node communication to use different NICs on different nodes.

Project description


A tool to download Telegram data (users, chats, messages, and media)into a database (and display the saved data).

Database schema:


The simplest way is to run sudo pip3 install --upgrade telegram_export,after which telegram-export should simply be available as a command: telegram-exportin the terminal. That's it!

If you don't like using sudo pip, you can use pip3 install --user telegram_export,but you'll have to add something like ~/.local/bin/ to your $PATH to getthe command available. If you don't want to add to PATH, you can also usepython3 -m telegram_export anywhere instead of telegram-export. You'llhave a similar issue if you're using a virtualenv, but if you're using thoseyou probably know what you're doing anyway :)

Slow downloads?

You may also want to install cryptg with the same method for a speedboost when downloading media. Telegram requires a lot of encryption anddecryption and this can make downloading files especially slow unlessusing a nice fast library like cryptg. One user reported a speedincrease of1100%.


First, copy config.ini.example (from GitHub) to ~/.config/telegram-export/config.iniand edit some values. You'll probably need to create this folder. To write yourconfig whitelist, you may want to refer to the output oftelegram-export--list-dialogs to get dialog IDs ortelegram-export--search to filter the results.

Then run telegram-export and allow it to dump data.

Full option listing:

telegram-export vs telegram-history-dump

(For brevity we'll just refer them to as 'export' and 'dump')
  • SQLite instead of jsonlines allows for far more powerful queries andbetter efficiency but loses compatibility with text-manipulating UNIXtools as the data is not stored as text (or even more powerful toolslike jq).
  • export's stored data is less complicated than dump's json dumps
  • Support for saving the history of a person or other dialog, so youcan see e.g. what their name was over time.
  • Using telethoninstead of tg-cli allowssupport for newer Telegram features like pinned messages, admin logs,user bios, first-class support for supergroups and avoids thetg-cli bug which made dumping channels impossible, as well asseveral other tg-cli annoyances (such as being somewhat harder toinstall).
  • Newer and less mature than dump
  • No dedicated analysis program yet (dump has telegram-analysis andpisg)
  • Implemented features which dump does not support (incomplete list):
    • Admin logs
    • Dumping Users/Channels/Chats as their own entities, not just asmessage metadata. This allows things like user bios, channeldescriptions and profile pictures.
    • Pinned messages (dump kind of supports this, but only by saving amessage replying to the pinned message with text ‘pinned themessage')
    • Participant lists
  • Closer interaction with the Telegram API theoretically allows bigspeed improvements (Practical comparison of times soon™)
  • export's database file is bound to a user (like dump), and theprogram will exit if you login as another person to avoid mixingthings up. If you do use export with multiple users, you shouldspecify a different database for each user. You can easily selectdifferent config files through --config-file.


  • Still being worked on. It dumps things, but the schema may change and wewon't support old schema transitions.
  • Relies on Telethon , which is still pre-1.0.
  • Certain information is not dumped for simplicity's sake. For example,edited messages won't be re-downloaded and there is currently nosupport for multiple versions of a message in the db. However, thisshouldn't be much of an issue, since most edits or deletions arelegit and often to fix typos.

What does it do? Is it a bot?

It uses the Telegram API (what Telegram apps use), so it has access toeverything a Telegram app can do. This is why you need an API ID and APIhash to use it, and why one from Telegram Desktop will work. Sincenormal clients need to download messages, media, users etc to displaythem in-app, telegram-export can do the same, and save them into a nicedatabase.

File List Export 2 4 0 20

So no, it's not really a bot, but it does use the same technology asuserbots in order to work. As far as we know, it won't get you banned fromusing Telegram or anything like that.

Installation from source

git clone this repository, then python3 install. You shouldalso read through the Installation section for related notes.

Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed





0.1.6 New update for apple products.







Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Files for telegram-export, version 1.8.2
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size telegram_export-1.8.2-py3-none-any.whl (45.0 kB) File type Wheel Python version py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size telegram-export-1.8.2.tar.gz (37.3 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for telegram_export-1.8.2-py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for telegram_export-1.8.2-py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for telegram-export-1.8.2.tar.gz

Hashes for telegram-export-1.8.2.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest
Source code:
License:New BSD License
Generated:Oct 20, 2021


pyexcel provides one application programming interface to read,manipulate and write data in various excel formats. This library makesinformation processing involving excel files an enjoyable task. The data inexcel files can be turned into array or dictwith minimal code and vice versa. This library focuses on dataprocessing using excel files as storage media hence fonts, colors and chartswere not and will not be considered.

The idea originated from the common usability problem: when an excel filedriven web application is delivered for non-developer users (ie: team assistant,human resource administrator etc). The fact is that not everyone knows (or cares)about the differences between various excel formats: csv, xls, xlsx are allthe same to them. Instead of training those users about file formats, thislibrary helps web developers to handle most of the excel fileformats by providing a common programming interface. To add a specific excelfile format type to you application, all you need is to install an extra pyexcelplugin. Hence no code changes to your application and no issues with excel fileformats any more. Looking at the community, this library and its associated onestry to become a small and easy to install alternative to Pandas.

If your company has embedded pyexcel and its components into a revenue generatingproduct, please support me on github, patreonor bounty source to maintainthe project and develop it further.

If you are an individual, you are welcome to support me too and for however longyou feel like. As my backer, you will receiveearly access to pyexcel related contents.

And your issues will get prioritized if you would like to become my patreon as pyexcel pro user.

With your financial support, I will be able to investa little bit more time in coding, documentation and writing interesting posts.


You can install pyexcel via pip:

or clone it and install it:

Suppose you have the following data in a dictionary:


you can easily save it into an excel file using the following code:

And here's how to obtain the records:

Custom data rendering:

Advanced usage :fire:¶

If you are dealing with big data, please consider these usages:

Two advantages of above method:

  1. Add as many wrapping functions as you want.
  2. Constant memory consumption

File List Export 2 4 0 2017

For individual excel file formats, please install them as you wish:

A list of file formats supported by external plugins
Package nameSupported file formatsDependencies
pyexcel-iocsv, csvz [1], tsv,tsvz [2]
pyexcel-xlsxls, xlsx(read only),xlsm(read only)xlrd,xlwt
Dedicated file reader and writers
Package nameSupported file formatsDependencies
pyexcel-xlsxwxlsx(write only)XlsxWriter
pyexcel-libxlsxwxlsx(write only)libxlsxwriter
pyexcel-xlsxrxlsx(read only)lxml
pyexcel-xlsbrxlsb(read only)pyxlsb
pyexcel-odsrread only for ods, fodslxml
pyexcel-odswwrite only for odsloxun
pyexcel-htmlrhtml(read only)lxml,html5lib
pyexcel-pdfrpdf(read only)camelot

Plugin shopping guide¶

Since 2020, all pyexcel-io plugins have dropped the support for python versionswhich are lower than 3.6. If you want to use any of those Python versions, please use pyexcel-ioand its plugins versions that are lower than 0.6.0.

File List Export 2 4 0 2


pyexcel provides one application programming interface to read,manipulate and write data in various excel formats. This library makesinformation processing involving excel files an enjoyable task. The data inexcel files can be turned into array or dictwith minimal code and vice versa. This library focuses on dataprocessing using excel files as storage media hence fonts, colors and chartswere not and will not be considered.

The idea originated from the common usability problem: when an excel filedriven web application is delivered for non-developer users (ie: team assistant,human resource administrator etc). The fact is that not everyone knows (or cares)about the differences between various excel formats: csv, xls, xlsx are allthe same to them. Instead of training those users about file formats, thislibrary helps web developers to handle most of the excel fileformats by providing a common programming interface. To add a specific excelfile format type to you application, all you need is to install an extra pyexcelplugin. Hence no code changes to your application and no issues with excel fileformats any more. Looking at the community, this library and its associated onestry to become a small and easy to install alternative to Pandas.

If your company has embedded pyexcel and its components into a revenue generatingproduct, please support me on github, patreonor bounty source to maintainthe project and develop it further.

If you are an individual, you are welcome to support me too and for however longyou feel like. As my backer, you will receiveearly access to pyexcel related contents.

And your issues will get prioritized if you would like to become my patreon as pyexcel pro user.

With your financial support, I will be able to investa little bit more time in coding, documentation and writing interesting posts.


You can install pyexcel via pip:

or clone it and install it:

Suppose you have the following data in a dictionary:


you can easily save it into an excel file using the following code:

And here's how to obtain the records:

Custom data rendering:

Advanced usage :fire:¶

If you are dealing with big data, please consider these usages:

Two advantages of above method:

  1. Add as many wrapping functions as you want.
  2. Constant memory consumption

File List Export 2 4 0 2017

For individual excel file formats, please install them as you wish:

A list of file formats supported by external plugins
Package nameSupported file formatsDependencies
pyexcel-iocsv, csvz [1], tsv,tsvz [2]
pyexcel-xlsxls, xlsx(read only),xlsm(read only)xlrd,xlwt
Dedicated file reader and writers
Package nameSupported file formatsDependencies
pyexcel-xlsxwxlsx(write only)XlsxWriter
pyexcel-libxlsxwxlsx(write only)libxlsxwriter
pyexcel-xlsxrxlsx(read only)lxml
pyexcel-xlsbrxlsb(read only)pyxlsb
pyexcel-odsrread only for ods, fodslxml
pyexcel-odswwrite only for odsloxun
pyexcel-htmlrhtml(read only)lxml,html5lib
pyexcel-pdfrpdf(read only)camelot

Plugin shopping guide¶

Since 2020, all pyexcel-io plugins have dropped the support for python versionswhich are lower than 3.6. If you want to use any of those Python versions, please use pyexcel-ioand its plugins versions that are lower than 0.6.0.

Except csv files, xls, xlsx and ods files are a zip of a folder containing a lot ofxml files

The dedicated readers for excel files can stream read

In order to manage the list of plugins installed, you need to use pip to add or removea plugin. When you use virtualenv, you can have different plugins per virtualenvironment. In the situation where you have multiple plugins that does the same thingin your environment, you need to tell pyexcel which plugin to use per function call.For example, pyexcel-ods and pyexcel-odsr, and you want to get_array to use pyexcel-odsr.You need to append get_array(…, library='pyexcel-odsr').

Other data renderers
Package nameSupported file formatsDependenciesPython versions
pyexcel-textwrite only:rst,mediawiki, html,latex, grid, pipe,orgtbl, plain simpleread only: ndjsonr/w: jsontabulate2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.43.5, 3.6, pypy
pyexcel-handsontablehandsontable in htmlhandsontablesame as above
pyexcel-pygalsvg chartpygal2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.53.6, pypy
pyexcel-sortablesortable table in htmlcsvtotablesame as above
pyexcel-ganttgantt chart in htmlfrappe-ganttexcept pypy, sameas above


[1]zipped csv file
[2]zipped tsv file

For compatibility tables of pyexcel-io plugins, please click here

Plugin compatibility table
A list of supported file formats
file formatdefinition
csvcomma separated values
tsvtab separated values
csvza zip file that contains one or many csv files
tsvza zip file that contains one or many tsv files
xlsa spreadsheet file format created byMS-Excel 97-2003
xlsxMS-Excel Extensions to the Office Open XMLSpreadsheetML File Format.
xlsman MS-Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file
odsopen document spreadsheet
fodsflat open document spreadsheet
jsonjava script object notation
htmlhtml table of the data structure
simplesimple presentation
rstrStructured Text presentation of the data
mediawikimedia wiki table


Suppose you want to process the following excel data :

File List Export 2 4 0 2 7

Here are the example usages:


  • Introduction
  • Signature functions
    • Import data into Python
  • Architecture

New tutorial¶

  • One liners
    • Read from the excel files
    • Write data
    • Excel book merge and split operation in one line
  • Stream APIs for big file : A set of two liners
    • Two liners for get data from big excel files
    • Data export in one liners
  • For web developer
  • Pyexcel data renderers
  • Sheet
    • Data manipulation
    • Formatting
    • Data filtering
  • Book
    • Set content
    • merge sheets into a single sheet
  • Working with databases

Old tutorial¶

  • Work with excel files
  • Work with excel files in memory
    • Write to memory and respond to download
  • Sheet: Data conversion
  • Dot notation for data source
    • For sheet
    • For book
  • Read partial data
  • Sheet: Data Access
    • Reading a single sheet excel file
    • Work with data series in a single sheet
  • Sheet: Data manipulation
    • Column manipulation
    • Append more columns to a data file
  • Sheet: Data filtering
    • Filter out some data
  • Sheet: Formatting
  • Book: Sheet operations
    • Manipulate individual sheets

Cook book¶

  • Recipes
  • Loading from other sources
    • Get back into pyexcel
      • book dict
      • Get content

File List Export 2 4 0 25

Real world cases¶

  • How to inject csv data to database

API documentation¶

  • API Reference
  • Internal API reference

Developer's guide¶

  • Developer's guide
  • Packaging with PyInstaller
  • How to write a plugin for pyexcel
    • Tutorial

Change log¶

  • Migrate from 0.2.x to 0.3.0+
  • Migrate from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2+
  • Migrate from 0.1.x to 0.2.x
  • Change log

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